Case Studies About Public Relations

Case studies about public relations.

Case Studies About Public Relations

Public relations is a big field and there is a lot to learn.

This page is a work in progress.

I’ve always loved doing public relations work and finding ways to ‘make news’ for clients. More often than not, there is a public relations angle that can be beneficially leveraged to the advantage of any organization. The essential thing is knowing how to recognize the opportunity and what to do with it.

Some P.R. opportunities are obvious, like a new business, technology or product launch. Those are relatively easy to get attention and positive publicity. But how is a plain white tank in an empty field newsworthy? Well, it was, and that example is not as unusual as anyone might think. It is the more challenging assignments that are frankly the most ‘fun’ for me.

My belief is that public relations is a much under-used, misunderstood and underappreciated promotional tool. Whether promoting Dow Chemical or Dairy Queen, the same principles apply; what do you want the public to remember about you and your enterprise and, what do you need them to do?

On the site, there will be written examples of campaigns that went right and those that are lacking, some that are just terrible and what we as practitioners can each learn. There is much to learn and time is against us!

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